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Buncombe DA hires assistant with DWI conviction

ASHEVILLE – Buncombe County's new top prosecutor has hired an assistant district attorney who wrecked his car six years ago while taking prescription drugs.

Rodney Hasty was later convicted of driving while impaired.

District Attorney Todd Williams says Hasty was taking the drugs — carisoprodol and meprobamate — for a medical condition. He describes Hasty as a solid prosecutor with years of experience.

But one major crime victim advocate is already questioning Williams' decision.

Ellen Pitt, of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, says some crime victims and law enforcement officers "view this decision as an insult."

Hasty resigned following his 2009 arrest. Then-District Attorney Ron Moore said he had been a good prosecutor.

source: http://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2015/01/05/buncombe-da-hires-assistant-dwi-conviction/21298519/

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