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Woman accused of burning down 'Senator' tree charged with DUI

The woman accused of burning down The Senator, one of the world's largest baldcypress trees, has been arrested again — this time on a DUI charge out of Maitland, according to an arrest report.

Sara Barnes, 28, was pulled over Friday afternoon on U.S. Highway 17-92 after she made a wheel-squealing wide turn onto Horatio Avenue, before cutting off another vehicle, the report states.

The arresting officer reported that Barnes' speech was slurred, her breath smelled strongly of alcohol, and she handed over a real-estate brochure, rather than her registration and insurance.
Barnes, who admitted drinking vodka before driving, failed several field-sobriety tests, the report states. A pair of blood-alcohol tests registered .192 and .194, more than double the legal limit.

On the way to Orange County's DUI center, Barnes began to cry, telling the arresting officer that she "did jail time for burning down the 'Senator' but she actually loves trees," the report says.


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