Sunday, 16/03/2025
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DWI Blogs

Ventnor man charged with DWI after his SUV overturns on Atlantic City beach

A Ventnor man who overturned his sport utility vehicle on the Atlantic City beach with his two young children inside was drunk, according to charges against him.
Police were called to Kingston Avenue just before 4 p.m. Tuesday, and found the SUV overturned with two children inside.
Mike Tripician, 30, a Ventnor firefighter, apparently tried to flee police by running into the ocean, and also kicked an emergency medical technician in the face, according to the report.
The children  — ages 2 and 16 months —  were in their car seats and did not suffer any physical injuries, Sgt. Monica McMenamin said. Both were taken to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center’s City Campus right after the crash as a precaution.

Source: | @ 2024