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DWI Blogs

Officials: Man charged with DWI twice in 5 hours after guilty plea to felony

A Gansevoort man was arrested on driving while intoxicated charges twice in about 5 hours late Thursday and early Friday after he was stopped for speeding in Queensbury and drove a car into a snowbank in Glens Falls, police said.

Those arrests came hours after he pleaded guilty to a felony burglary charge in Saratoga County Court related to a sexual assault of a woman he knew in her home last September, officials said.

Myles C. Jarvis, 26, of Putnam Road, was arrested by the Warren County Sheriff's Office after an 8:56 p.m. traffic stop on Quaker Road in Queensbury, according to the Sheriff's Office.

He was pulled over for speeding and driving erratically, and found to have a blood alcohol content of 0.12 percent, police said. He was charged with misdemeanor DWI and released pending prosecution in Queensbury Town Court.

Source: http://poststar.com/news/blotter/police-man-charged-with-dwi-twice-in-hours/article_dffc4fb4-a085-11e3-9c46-0019bb2963f4.html

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