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DWI Blogs

North Bay Man With 19 DUI Convictions Arrested For Driving On Suspended License

SANTA ROSA (CBS SF) — Police arrested a Santa Rosa man with 19 DUI convictions over 30 years for driving on a suspended license Friday afternoon.
Petaluma police, who were conducting a special Habitual DUI Driver Stakeout Program that targets repeat DUI offenders in Sonoma County, received a tip recently that 68-year-old William Beall was driving his Mercedes on a suspended license, Sgt. Jim Stephenson said.
Police staked out Beall’s Oak Lane home in Santa Rosa and saw him drive away around 2 p.m. He was not intoxicated when he was pulled over, Stephenson said.
Beall is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday morning in Sonoma County Superior Court.


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