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DWI Blogs

DWI patrols increased for spring break

Texas Department of Public Safety troopers will increase DWI patrols now through March 23, coinciding with spring break. DPS troopers will focus on DWI patrols in locations when alcohol-related crashes are most frequent and areas with high concentrations of spring break activity.
During last year’s spring break, DPS troopers made more than 1,000 DWI arrests. DPS enforcement also issued more than 11,400 speeding citations, 1,600 seat belt/child safety seat tickets, and made 552 fugitive arrests and 463 felony arrests last year during spring break.
DPS spokeswoman Elena Viramontes said she did not know the exact number of DWI patrols that will be added during spring break, but that “everyone that is available will be working.”
 “All of us go out and work throughout that period,” Viramontes said. “We’re just trying to make sure that all the citizens are safe.
DPS officials advise drivers to slow down, eliminate distractions like cell phones while driving, use their seatbelts and refrain from driving fatigued. They also asked drivers to make sure their vehicles are properly maintained before taking a trip.
The enhanced patrols that target intoxicated drivers are funded by a Texas Department of Transportation grant.
TxDOT spokesperson Mark Cross said it was important for the agency to issue a grant for this time frame due to the rising number of fatalities occurring on Texas roads in connection with alcohol consumption.
During the 2013 spring break period, 30 percent of all people killed on Texas roadways were involved in a DUI alcohol related crash, and DUI deaths increased by 23 percent compared to 2012.

Source: http://www.oaoa.com/news/crime_justice/law_enforcement/article_18752378-a64b-11e3-8833-0017a43b2370.html

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