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11-year-old dies after stepfather’s DWI crash

An 11-year-old boy has died after his drunken stepdad crashed their car into a light pole in Brooklyn on Sunday, likely leading to harsher charges against the man, authorities said.
Anthony Pollydore, 65 — who has already been convicted twice of drunken driving — learned that he had killed his stepson, Dylan, shortly before being arraigned on vehicular-assault and other related charges in Brooklyn Criminal Court on Monday.
Those charges are expected to be upgraded to vehicular manslaughter at Pollydore’s next court appearance Friday, sources said.
The stepad remained stoic, still dressed in the all-white three-piece suit he was wearing at the time of the crash, and said nothing as a judge suspended his driver’s license and ordered him held without bail.

Source : http://nypost.com/2014/03/24/11-year-old-dies-after-stepfathers-dwi-crash/

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