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DWI Blogs

Man arrested for fifth DWI after leaving casino

A complaint of an intoxicated man at Mystic Lake Casino led police to arrest a St. Paul man for his fifth drunken-driving arrest in just over a decade.

Dang Vang, 50, was arrested for first-degree driving while impaired (DWI) after registering a blood-alcohol content of 0.24, three times the legal limit. Mystic Lake security had called Prior Lake police to report that the man was drunk and causing a disturbance.

Vang was charged in Scott County District Court with four counts relating to the case, including two counts of felony DWI, a misdemeanor open bottle offense and a gross-misdemeanor count of violating the terms of a restricted driver’s license. He is in custody at the Scott County Jail on $80,000 bail.

Read more: Shakopee Valley News - Man arrested for fifth DWI after leaving casino | @ 2024