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HPD chief looks back at ’08

HPD chief looks back at ’08

Throughout the Houston Police Department, officers have carried out a variety of initiatives in 2008 that have proven to be very beneficial, and I look forward to seeing where the dedication of all HPD employees takes the department in the years to come.

Total Part I crime decreased by 8.4 percent in 2008. Murder decreased 16.4 percent and robbery by 7.6 percent, and non-violent crime decreased by 10.2 per- cent. Statistics reveal that gang-related murders de- creased by 40.9 percent, but rapes increased 8.1 percent and aggravated assaults were up by 9.1 percent. Fifty-four percent of the aggravated assaults were family/domestic violence incidents.

City Council approved the Convenience Store Ordinance, which requires the businesses to register with the police department and enact other security measures. In 2008, crime in and around convenience stores decreased 17 percent from the prior year.

The department formed the Video 8-Liner Enforce-ment Team in 2008 to address crime in and around game rooms. Close to 20,000 citations were issued, and 72 game rooms were closed.

Strategically positioned, the newly acquired Breath Alcohol Testing van, or B.A.T. van, allows officers to quickly process intoxicated suspects. Five additional vans will soon be acquired.

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office has also assisted in our DWI enforcement efforts through No Refusal Nights. During No Refusal Nights, when a suspect refuses to take a breath test, a search warrant for a blood specimen is issued by an assistant district attorney. In 2008, 248 such warrants were completed.

Additionally, HPD contracted a United Kingdom-based company to conduct a diagnostic review of the DNA laboratory. Forensic Science Services delivered their report in January, and we are now evaluating their recommendations.

Seventies-era helicopters were replaced and the additional purchase of patrol and training copters will move the department toward providing air coverage 21 hours a day.

The department has also worked to increase the number of officers performing police duties through recruiting and the Officers to the Street pro- gram. Officers to the Street will, by the end of fiscal year 2009, fill 98 administrative positions with civilians. Officers who filled those positions will be reassigned to policing functions.

I take great pride in the many successes of the Houston Police Department. Uniformed and civilian employees alike have made for a spectacular year.

To the Houston Police Department, thank you.

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